Automechanika Shangairako gonbidapena 2017 - Txina Lutong
China Lutong Parts Plant is a professional OEM & Aftermarket parts supplier, which specialized in diesel engine parts. Our main products include plunger barrel,Control Valve, Injectors,common rail valve, Head rotor (VE Pump Parts), Plunger, Delivery Valve, Cam Disk, Repair Kits, Feed Pump and more.
Trapezoidal Toothed PU Timing Belt Industrial synchronous belt applies the superior synthetic neoprene imported Trapezoidal Toothed Pu Timing Belt,Belt Conveyor,Synchronous Belt,Stainless Steel Conveyor Belt Jiangsu Bailite Transmission Technology Co., Ltd ,
Dear Sir / Madam,
Oso eskertzen dizugu Txina Lutong-ekin epe luzerako laguntza hau.
Zoriontsu eta atsegina egiten zait automechanika Shangai 2017ra, automozioko piezen, osagarrien, ekipamenduen eta zerbitzuen hornitzaileen automobilgintzaren bigarren Automechanika azokan. Automechanika Shanghai azaroaren 29an egingo da - 2017ko abenduaren 2an, Shanghai, Txinako Erakusketa eta Zentro Nazionalean. Ikuskizuna bisitatzen duten bisitari kopurua handitzea espero da, 140.000 herrialde eta eskualde 130.000rekin. Ongi etorri gurekin bisitatu gure kabina 3F68 Hall 3 at.
Automechanika Shanghai 2017
Booth NO .: 3F68, 3. aretoan
Data: 29 Azaroa - 2017ko abenduaren 2a
Helbidea: Erakusketa Nazionala eta Biltzar Zentroa (Shanghai), Txina.
Webgunea: http://
Kontratua: Dennis Shi
Erakutsiko zaizu!
Zurea benetan
from Japan as main raw material. It matches with multiple auxiliary materials with
various uses. Skeleton uses the superior glass fiber cord imported from japan. Tooth
face of the belt adopts nylon 66 high spandex for protection.
Synchronous belt drive is a novel drive mode that utilizes pulley gear meshing to
transfer motive power. It has accurate synchronous drive function. It needs no
lubrication without slip differential nor pollution and with little noise. Drive efficiency
reaches to 0.98. Speed ratio range can fulfill 1:10. Allowable linear speed can attain
50m/s. Drive efficiency ranges from several hundred watts to several kilowatts. It
suits multi-axial drive. It features as fine dynamic flex resistance, good anti-cracking
properties, superior ozone-proof performanca, sound heat-resistance and wearability etc.
February 25, 2024