With the gradual progress of gasoline and rising oil prices, fuel costs have naturally become one of the most important factors for consumers to purchase cars. As the cost of keeping a diesel car is lower than that of a car, many people may also have the idea of ​​buying a diesel car. Of course, diesel cars and petrol cars have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at the difference between them today.


First of all, in respect of fuel consumption, diesel vehicles can save more fuel than gasoline vehicles, while petrol vehicles consume more fuel than diesel vehicles of the same displacement. Diesel vehicles of the same level will save about 30% more fuel than gasoline vehicles. Why does a diesel car save more fuel than a gasoline car? This is determined by the characteristics of the engine technology. Because compression-ignition diesel engines have a higher energy conversion ratio than spark-ignition gasoline engines. Not only that, diesel's thermal efficiency is higher than that of gasoline, diesel's calorific value is high, so burning the same mass of volume gives off more energy and more work is done on the power stroke.

Secondly, in terms of power, the low-speed diesel engine's low-speed torque is larger than that of a petrol vehicle. Under the same displacement, when a diesel vehicle starts and climbs, it will feel that the power of the diesel engine is stronger.

In terms of environmental pollution, compared with the same displacement gasoline-powered vehicles, diesel engines have lower CO2, CO, and HC emissions, and NOx and particulates are higher. After technical improvements, CO2 emissions are about 25% lower than those of NOx and particulates. The old type is lower than 98%. However, modern diesel engines must be matched with clean diesel fuel to fully realize the effect of energy conservation and emission reduction. In short, poor oil products do increase pollution to the environment. Diesel engines do emit less CO2 than gasoline engines, but diesel vehicles emit four times as many nitrogen oxides and 22 times more particulate pollutants than gasoline vehicles. And these two kinds of pollutants can damage lungs, blood vessels and other internal organs, and can cause diseases such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

However, diesel vehicles are far less convenient than petrol vehicles when refueling. In general, although diesel vehicles have many advantages, the choice of diesel vehicles is still a minority, and the choice of petrol vehicles will be more convenient.

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