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Sources said that the White House’s relaxation of the fuel efficiency index was due to concessions made to manufacturers of light trucks and SUVs, especially the larger ones such as the Ford F-150.
An industry and Congress official who did not want to reveal his identity stated that the White House’s latest proposal was the most decisive of all proposals. The proposal advocates increasing the fuel economy index by 5 mpg annually from 2017 to 2025. As for light trucks and SUVs, from 2017 to 2021, the fuel economy index increased by an average of 3.5% annually. After 2021, it will increase by 5% every year. He also stated that the annual increments of fuel economy indicators for different light trucks are different: heavier annual vehicle increments will be less than 3.5%, while lighter vehicles will be higher than 3.5%.
With the approval of the Obama administration, automobile manufacturers, and California regulatory authorities, the fuel economy target for 2016 was set at 35.5 mpg. The 2017-25 fuel economy index will be used as a standard.
Gasgoo Motor News On July 26, 2011, according to the American Automobile News, the White House is urging car manufacturers to agree on an average fuel economy index of 54.5mpg by 2025. This value is 1.7 mpg lower than the standard 56.2 mpg that floated earlier this month.
January 22, 2019