Silver mercury known as water. At room temperature, the mercury is the only liquid metal, silver-white, low viscosity, flowable, the splash surface pervasive, so that pollution is not easy to expand the scope of clear, easily floor gaps, clothes adsorption. Mercury is extremely versatile in industrial production. Metallic mercury enters the body mainly through the respiratory tract in the form of vapor, and is not easily absorbed through the digestive tract. Chlorinated high mercury has a high solubility and can be quickly absorbed through the digestive tract. Mercury entering the body can be distributed along the blood to the liver, kidney, brain, hair, and the like. Mercury is mainly excreted in urine and feces, and a small amount of mercury is excreted with saliva, sweat and milk. Female workers should not be exposed to mercury during lactation and pregnancy, so as not to affect the health of the next generation. Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning Inhalation of high concentrations of mercury vapor in a short period of time, such as sheet metal operations, manufacturing high temperature meters. Can cause acute mercury poisoning. But it is rare now. Long-term exposure to mercury vapor can cause chronic mercury poisoning. Early dizziness, headache, insomnia, memory loss, fatigue and other neurasthenia symptoms and mental changes such as timidity, shyness, irritability, etc. In addition, salivation, stomatitis and gingivitis are also early manifestations of chronic mercury poisoning. Muscle tremor is a characteristic symptom of mercury poisoning. The initial manifestations are fine tremors of the fingers, eyelids and tongue. In severe cases, it can develop into the upper and lower limbs. Mercury poisoning prevention and treatment Mercury poisoning can be treated with drugs such as sodium dimercaptopropane sulfonate or sodium dimercaptosuccinate. Mild chronic mercury poisoning can be cured, and patients do not have to worry about it. Prevention should use comprehensive preventive measures to replace mercury with non-toxic or low-toxic materials, such as replacing mercury meters with electronic meters, replacing mercury thermometers with alcohol thermometers, and venting or sealing devices to avoid smelting or injecting mercury. Mercury vapor escapes. Timely removal and recovery of mercury that remains on the table, floor, and walls. The mercury concentration in the air of the workshop is measured periodically. Mercury workers should be physically examined once a year to detect mercury absorption and early mercury poisoning patients for early treatment. Mercury-containing waste gas, waste water and waste residue should be treated and discharged.

Boiler Economizer

Boiler Economizer ( Sometimes Called Economiser ) is the Energy improving device that helps to reduce the cost of operation by saving the fuel.

The economizer in Boiler tends to make the system more energy efficient.

In boilers, economizers are generally Heat Exchangers which are designed to exchange heat with the fluid, generally water.

It has different types, such as bare tube economizer,Fin Tube Economizer, Cast Iron Economizer,etc.

Economiser In Boiler,Economiser In Thermal Power Plant,Economizer In Thermal Power Plant,Economiser Is Used To Heat

Jinan Yuanda Power Equipment Co.,Ltd. ,